作家是杂家。中学时候有写周记的习惯,写得一篇文章后又会拿去给同学看,那非常的愉悦就像是幼儿园的孩子夸耀自己的手工作品一样。等到今天处于大学里,自由的时间多了,却更加无暇去作文。有无穷多的乐事、烦心事去充塞我的生活,这些大大小小的事迫使我戒掉了读书作文这种精神上的鸦片。由于某种心潮,近来终于又读起几本闲书来,自然又勾起往日的那些瘾。 这个世界很热闹,倘若我可以在其中垦一片自己的园地,那便是很好的。 我写小诗,写小说,写小杂文,也写学习上的小收获。 可是写在纸上的文字是没人能看到的,我便开垦了一个这样的小园地,种上我自己的菜苗。 世界变得飞快,万物在生长,科技也在生长,一不留神就会被时代的浪潮所淹没。倘若不能站在浪尖上,那便写一些无声的文字,研究一些过气的技术,或许也能慰藉一下自己。
—— 罗 玥/皓文 垦一个自己的园地 2017.05.01 早晨 于珠海
Designer or Engineer, things in between.
I used to writing weekly diary when I was in middle school. Every time I finish my writing, I asked my friend to read my work. I felt like that I am a child showing of his own handicrafts. After being a college student, I got more and more free time, but I found that I have less and less time to write something. There are so many happiness and sadness in my college life. These thing separated me from addiction of reading and writing. Recently, I read some books, and find that I am addicted into reading and writing. The world is bustling. It would be pretty good if I have a garden in it. I write poems, novele, essays, and something I have learned. However, nobody reads my words on my notebook. So I built such a garden and raise some flowers in it. The world is changing rapidly, technology is booming, everything is growing. Everyone would be swallowed by the tide of the times. I can not stand on the top of the tide. Instead, I can only write something silent, and learn something outdated, to make me feel better.
-- Haowen Y. Luo 垦一个自己的园地 2017.05.01 morning Zhuhai